SiNWs Biophysically Regulate the Fates of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced by 3D Continuous Ceramic Nanofillers
Deformation Twinning of Ultrahigh Strength Aluminum Nanowire
Deformation of electrodeposited gradient Co/Sn multilayered coatings under micro-pillar compression
Deformation mechanisms in FCC Co dominated by high-density stacking faults
Deformation localization in metallic glasses studied by in situ TEM deformation
In-situ SEM and TEM Nanomechanical Study of Wear and Failure Mechanisms
Twinning in Micro and Nanoscale Pillars–Size effect in Cu–Ni–Al shape memory alloy
Nano-level evaluation of kerogen-rich reservoir rock
In-Situ Nanomechanical Testing in Electron Microscopes
In Situ TEM Clamped Beam Fracture in Fe-9Cr ODS
Laser additive manufacturing of structural-graded bulk metallic glass
“Deep Ultra-Strength”-Induced Band Structure Evolution in Silicon Nanowires
Micro mechanical testing of candidate structural alloys for Gen-IV nuclear reactors
Twinned Nanoporous Gold with Enhanced Tensile Strength
Abnormal elastic modulus behavior in a crystalline-amorphous core-shell nanowire system