Yesterday we have been talking about this:
Maskless Direct Writing and 3D Lithography: Capabilities and Applications in the beautiful Lisbon, specifically at CENIMAT | i3N at @University of Nova Lisboa.
Thanks a lot to Pedro Barquinha for hosting the event and for presenting the reseaech work of his lab at CENIMAT | i3N.
Thanks also to the speakers, to Vasilis Theofylaktopoulos for his enjoyable talk about Thermal nanolithography and also to Daniel-Alexander Braun for sharing his extensive knowledge about Maskless lithography technology and its applications for MEMS, microfluidics, microoptics, sensors, electronic components. We also would like to thanks Mathias Haedrich for teaching us the different applications of Variable Shape Electron Beam Lithography such as semiconductor electronics, quantum technology, micro-optics and photonics. Finally a great thanks to @Dmitri Titkov for teaching us how the Genesys Software lithography solutions work to overcome the limits of nanopaterning.
A big thank you to the attendees for their participation in this Workshop. We hope we gave new ideas for their reseach work and they have enjoyed this event as much as we did.