Fundamental research in physics, as well as specimen characterization in materials science often requires the use of (ultra) low or variable temperatures. Many phenomena also involve the application of high magnetic fields, usually generated by superconducting magnets. attocube provides perfect platforms for sensitive measurements at cryogenic or variable temperatures. In all of our systems, special care has been taken to reduce vibrations and acoustic noise, so that even the most demanding applications such as scanning probe microscopy can be performed without compromising their performance.
Depending on available infrastructure on-site in the customer’s laboratory (e.g. existing helium recovery system, liquid helium supply and logistics), cost of investment vs. running costs, desired performance and personal preference, customers can choose the appropriate cooling system by required base temperature or temperature range, and upgrade it with their choice of superconducting magnet, be it a single solenoid, or 2D/3D vector magnets.